as informed in The company warned WhatsApp users in a message on Twitter. Paultons Park said: "We have been advised that a message offering 5 free passes to 500 families to Paultons is being shared on WhatsApp. Like other WhatsApp scam messages, it's full of grammatical errors: a dead giveaway that something dodgy is at play. It asks you to forward the messageIt asks you to click on a link to "activate" a new featureIt says that you have to pay to use WhatsApp (WhatsApp is a free app. We will never ask you to pay to use WhatsApp and you do not have to do anything to use WhatsApp for free.)

collected by :Molly Tony
WhatsApp is adding new restrictions as killings continue in India
WhatsApp is restricting the ability of users worldwide to forward messages as viral hoaxes on its platform continue to be blamed for a spate of mob violence in India. The messaging app, owned by Facebook (FB), currently allows users to forward messages simultaneously to as many people and groups as they want. "Today, we're launching a test to limit forwarding that will apply to everyone using WhatsApp," the company said in a blog post late Thursday. WhatsApp did not say what restrictions would apply outside India, but a source familiar with the situation told CNNMoney users would be limited to forwarding messages to 20 chats. This is the third major attempt by the company in three weeks to stop fake rumors from spreading on its platform.
ios 10: WhatsApp rolls out new update for iOS 10: Users can see and download received media files from on-screen notifications
As it stated in SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp on Tuesday released a new update for devices with iOS 10 and above with "notification extension" that would allow users to see and download received media files from on-screen notifications itself.Received by some iOS users, the new extension is part of WhatsApp's version 2.18.80 and would support download of images and Graphics Interchange Formats ( GIFs ) from the notifications in the user's auto-download option is deactivated, confirmed WABetaInfo , a fan site that tests new WhatsApp features before release.Along with the option to download, the update would also enable users to preview the received media content on swiping down the notifications panel.The new "notification extension" will be made available for users after Whatsapp adds improvements in the next updates, the report added.There is no word yet when will this extension reach the Android users.In its previous update, WhatsApp launched new features including the "forwarded" tag that goes along with messages that are being forwarded.WhatsApp introduces new limits on message forwarding in an effort to stop deadly lynchings in India
Scroll down for videoA horrific spate of lynchings has led to WhatsApp announcing limits on the forwarding of messages by its 200 million Indian users. A horrific spate of lynchings led to WhatsApp announcing limits on the forwarding of messages by its 200 million Indian users in July, 2018. In India people forward on WhatsApp more messages, photos, and videos, than any other country in the world, the company says. In India people forward on WhatsApp more messages, photos, and videos, than any other country in the world, the company says. It addition, it said it will remove the 'quick forward button' next to media messages (stock image)
OH NO! WhatsApp group chat users are going to be raging with this new update
WhatsApp is adding new restrictions as killings continue in India
WhatsApp is restricting the ability of users worldwide to forward messages as viral hoaxes on its platform continue to be blamed for a spate of mob violence in India. The messaging app, owned by Facebook (FB), currently allows users to forward messages simultaneously to as many people and groups as they want. "Today, we're launching a test to limit forwarding that will apply to everyone using WhatsApp," the company said in a blog post late Thursday. WhatsApp did not say what restrictions would apply outside India, but a source familiar with the situation told CNNMoney users would be limited to forwarding messages to 20 chats. This is the third major attempt by the company in three weeks to stop fake rumors from spreading on its platform.
ios 10: WhatsApp rolls out new update for iOS 10: Users can see and download received media files from on-screen notifications
As it stated in SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp on Tuesday released a new update for devices with iOS 10 and above with "notification extension" that would allow users to see and download received media files from on-screen notifications itself.Received by some iOS users, the new extension is part of WhatsApp's version 2.18.80 and would support download of images and Graphics Interchange Formats ( GIFs ) from the notifications in the user's auto-download option is deactivated, confirmed WABetaInfo , a fan site that tests new WhatsApp features before release.Along with the option to download, the update would also enable users to preview the received media content on swiping down the notifications panel.The new "notification extension" will be made available for users after Whatsapp adds improvements in the next updates, the report added.There is no word yet when will this extension reach the Android users.In its previous update, WhatsApp launched new features including the "forwarded" tag that goes along with messages that are being forwarded.WhatsApp introduces new limits on message forwarding in an effort to stop deadly lynchings in India
Scroll down for videoA horrific spate of lynchings has led to WhatsApp announcing limits on the forwarding of messages by its 200 million Indian users. A horrific spate of lynchings led to WhatsApp announcing limits on the forwarding of messages by its 200 million Indian users in July, 2018. In India people forward on WhatsApp more messages, photos, and videos, than any other country in the world, the company says. In India people forward on WhatsApp more messages, photos, and videos, than any other country in the world, the company says. It addition, it said it will remove the 'quick forward button' next to media messages (stock image)
OH NO! WhatsApp group chat users are going to be raging with this new update
collected by :Molly Tony
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