according to AgenciesNEW DELHI: WhatsApp announced curbs on its service in India on Friday in an effort to stop a spate of horrific lynchings and to assuage government threats of legal action in its biggest market. It addition, it said it will "remove the quick forward button next to media messages," a statement said. "Rampant circulation of irresponsible messages in large volumes on their platform have not been addressed adequately by WhatsApp," the ministry said. "If (WhatsApp) remain mute spectators they are liable to be treated as abettors and thereafter face consequent legal action." Moments later they were dead, two more victims of lynchings sparked by rumours spread on Facebook and WhatsApp in India.
Special WhatsApp service for airline passengers in UAE
The new service will allow to chat with the airline's agents about their flights in a fast, personal, and efficient way. Etihad Airways has launched a WhatsApp Business solution, allowing guests to communicate instantly with the airline via the popular messaging app. Robin Kamark, Etihad Airways Chief Commercial Officer, said: "The new WhatsApp Business solution will provide Etihad Airways' premium guests with immediate contact with the airline, using the very latest technology. The airline offers several real-time channels for guests to contact the airline, including the @EtihadHelp and @EtihadPremium accounts on Twitter, and the airline's Facebook page. During the initial trial phase, the Etihad Airways WhatsApp number will be exhibited in Premium check-in at Abu Dhabi Airport.
Etihad Airways launches WhatsApp service for instant communication with passengers
As it stated in Etihad Airways has introduced a new WhatsApp service which enables passengers to chat directly with airline staff via the popular messaging app. Robin Kamark, Etihad Airways Chief Commercial Officer, said: "The new WhatsApp Business solution will provide Etihad Airways' premium guests with immediate contact with the airline, using the very latest technology. Seven new robots were unveiled in December 2017 - they're expected to offer assistance for visitors to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Air New Zealand is also pioneering a new trial which aims to provide real-time language translation services using Bluetooth headphones. The carrier, which aims to become a "digital airline", is using Google's Pixel Buds earphones to enable the live translation of 40 languages using the Google Pixel smartphone.
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