as mentioned in Killing comes despite pledge from company to try to limit the ability of users to spread messages, after threats from New Delhi governmentA mob lynched a woman in India after rumours circulated on WhatsApp about child kidnappers, police said on Monday, days after the messaging firm said it was introducing restrictions on forwarding messages. More than 20 people have been killed in similar incidents in the past two months, leaving Indian authorities and Facebook-owned WhatsApp scrambling to find a solution. WhatsApp said the next day it would test limiting the ability of its more than 225 million Indian users to forward messages and remove the "quick forward button" next to media messages. India demands WhatsApp curb spread of rumours after crazed mobs rampageLynchings are not new in India, but the spread of smartphones to even the most remote corners has allowed rumours to be shared at lightning speed and in huge volumes. People have also been lynched by Hindu extremists murdering Muslims and thrashing low-caste Dalits accused of killing cows or eating beef.
![WhatsApp Arms Itself for Payments in India]()

![WhatsApp Arms Itself for Payments in India]()

collected by :Molly Tony
WhatsApp Arms Itself for Payments in India
With over 200 million active users, WhatsApp is now set to launch WhatsApp payments in India. UPI enabledTo have a mass approach for its payments feature, WhatsApp had partnered with National Payments Council of India and adhered to the rules and regulations for the rollout of the feature. WhatsApp's payments feature will be UPI enabled and will also "reflect the addition of payment interoperability features". In a statement released to the press, WhatsApp said, "We'll be updating our WhatsApp payments Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to provide simpler language on how the payments feature operates. We look forward to expanding WhatsApp payments soon."24-hour customer serviceThe messaging platform is cautiously venturing into the payments space.India asks WhatsApp to curb spread of false messages
as mentioned in So far this year, false messages about child abductors on WhatsApp have helped to trigger mass beatings of more than a dozen people in India - at least three of whom have died. It also said that messaging platform "cannot evade accountability and responsibility" when such services are abused by users to spread misinformation. WhatsApp said it does not want the platform to be used for spreading misinformation, adding the dissemination of false messages was a challenge that companies and society should address. WhatsApp previously told Reuters that it is educating users to identify fake news as well as considering changes to the service. Last week, it also introduced a new setting which allowed only the administrators or owners of groups to send messages.How WhatsApp leads mobs to murder in India
Alwar /New Delhi: In India, deadly rumors about cow smugglers and child kidnappers have gone viral on social media, prompting vengeful mobs to kill more than two dozen innocent people since April. "However, the attackers fled as they saw us approaching, leaving behind the injured man and two cows," he said. Cows are considered sacred in Hindu-majority India, and slaughtering them or eating beef is illegal or restricted across much of the country. But Singh said police could not verify the allegation that the men were smuggling cows at all. In the last few years, the vigilante groups have become active in small towns across India.
WhatsApp Arms Itself for Payments in India
With over 200 million active users, WhatsApp is now set to launch WhatsApp payments in India. UPI enabledTo have a mass approach for its payments feature, WhatsApp had partnered with National Payments Council of India and adhered to the rules and regulations for the rollout of the feature. WhatsApp's payments feature will be UPI enabled and will also "reflect the addition of payment interoperability features". In a statement released to the press, WhatsApp said, "We'll be updating our WhatsApp payments Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to provide simpler language on how the payments feature operates. We look forward to expanding WhatsApp payments soon."24-hour customer serviceThe messaging platform is cautiously venturing into the payments space.India asks WhatsApp to curb spread of false messages
as mentioned in So far this year, false messages about child abductors on WhatsApp have helped to trigger mass beatings of more than a dozen people in India - at least three of whom have died. It also said that messaging platform "cannot evade accountability and responsibility" when such services are abused by users to spread misinformation. WhatsApp said it does not want the platform to be used for spreading misinformation, adding the dissemination of false messages was a challenge that companies and society should address. WhatsApp previously told Reuters that it is educating users to identify fake news as well as considering changes to the service. Last week, it also introduced a new setting which allowed only the administrators or owners of groups to send messages.How WhatsApp leads mobs to murder in India
Alwar /New Delhi: In India, deadly rumors about cow smugglers and child kidnappers have gone viral on social media, prompting vengeful mobs to kill more than two dozen innocent people since April. "However, the attackers fled as they saw us approaching, leaving behind the injured man and two cows," he said. Cows are considered sacred in Hindu-majority India, and slaughtering them or eating beef is illegal or restricted across much of the country. But Singh said police could not verify the allegation that the men were smuggling cows at all. In the last few years, the vigilante groups have become active in small towns across India.
collected by :Molly Tony
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