How to download WhatsApp on PC, Android smartphone and iPhone

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WhatsApp sends Cease & Desists for apps that use native Android APIs

WhatsApp sends Cease & Desists for apps that use native Android APIsWhatsApp is one of the most popular applications available on smartphones to date with over a billion active users per day. The company is sending out a new round of Cease and Desist letters to independent Android app developers, but this time their claims have a lot less merit. "Reverse engineer, alter, modify, create derivative works from, decompile, or extract code from the WhatsApp Services." Neither of these applications is WhatsApp specific and make use of native Android APIs rather than any code from WhatsApp itself. "Sell, resell, rent, or charge for the WhatsApp Services" The apps do not rent or sell access to the service. Independent app developers don't have the resources to combat these claims so most just give in.

WhatsApp sends Cease & Desists for apps that use native Android APIs

WhatsApp to stop working on millions of older iPhones and Android smartphones

according to Millions of people will no longer be able to use WhatsApp after the messaging app announced it will be cutting support of its service on older iPhones and Android smartphones. From 1 February 2020, users running older operating systems will be at risk of WhatsApp no longer functioning on their phones. 5/12 Customise notifications If you're expecting an important WhatsApp message from someone, set a custom notification for them by opening the chat, tapping their name at the top and hitting Custom Notifications. Phones including Androids older than version 2.3.7, Nokia S40 and iPhones running iOS 7 or older are included in the purge. "Because we'll no longer actively develop for these operating systems, some features might stop functioning at any time," WhatsApp said in the blogpost.
