referring to WhatsApp has begun testing a new payments feature in India that going to allow people to send money to other whatsapp apps users, excluding trader accounts. Beta testers have this time found that this functionality is live, with a big list of supported banks displayed in the whatsapp apps consumer interface. The addition puts whatsapp apps into competition with other messaging services that endeed backing payments, involving the soon released Tez from Google and Tencent-backed Hike, for example, as well as digital wallet platform Paytm, that expanded into messaging in order to take on whatsapp apps further directly. However, WhatsApp's backing for payments is highly anticipated because of the app's massive popularity between Indian users. We understand that whatsapp apps going to allow users realize the time P2P payments becomes further widely obtainable in India, after the better testing phase completes.
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WhatsApp has released person-to-person payments into beta in India
referring to WhatsApp has begun testing a new payments feature in India that going to allow people to send money to other whatsapp apps users, excluding trader accounts. Beta testers have this time found that this functionality is live, with a big list of supported banks displayed in the whatsapp apps consumer interface. The addition puts whatsapp apps into competition with other messaging services that endeed backing payments, involving the soon released Tez from Google and Tencent-backed Hike, for example, as well as digital wallet platform Paytm, that expanded into messaging in order to take on whatsapp apps further directly. However, WhatsApp's backing for payments is highly anticipated because of the app's massive popularity between Indian users. We understand that whatsapp apps going to allow users realize the time P2P payments becomes further widely obtainable in India, after the better testing phase completes.
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