according to He testified which he removed himself from the group chat called "True Friends" the time the group was disclosed [by authorities] before his arrest. "Why did you remove yourself from the group chat and deleted the messages (therein)" asked Lawyer Jobe. "Can you remain who created the whatsapp apps chat group" asked Lawyer Sheriff K. Jobe. "Actually, I don't realize who created the whatsapp apps group however I was added with Sergeant Yusupha Jatta" replied Corporal Sanneh. "Can you remain things which were discussed in the chat group or the content of the group" asked Lawyer Jobe.

collected by :Molly Tony
Tory minister calls pro-Brexit MPs 'swivel-eyed' in group whatsapp apps message
Claire Berry sent a whatsapp apps message to as private group of Tory MPs (Picture: Rex Shutterstock)Tory infighting over Brexit has threatened to get worse after it emerged a serving minister described Leavers angry about the so-called divorce bill as 'swivel-eyed'. Energy minister Claire Perry's remarks came in a whatsapp apps message to a private group of Tory MPs that was obtained with the Telegraph. Ms Perry was responding to Tory MP Ben Bradley, who told he was 'getting some shit from the usual subjects about sell-outs and traitors' over the financial settlement. According to the newspaper, Ms Perry replied: 'The 'sell out traitor mob' ought be ignored. 'We have Stage one agreed and are moving forward to remaining terms, extremely let's not get distracted.'The tyranny of the family whatsapp apps thread - and how to say if your group chat etiquette is all wrong
as informed in My family has 2 whatsapp apps groups: the major one, that is largely taken up with lengthy discussions about what we're going to eat the following time we're together, and endless pictures of my parents' allotment (because we're all desperate to realize how the swiss chard is getting along). Then there's the sub group, where some of us snipe about all the irritating things happening on the other family thread. "Someone needs to have a word with mother about the true meaning of the aubergine emoji again..." "Which of you idiots showed father how to make gifs?! I thought we'd discussed this after he disclosed selfies in 2015 - he's like an iPhone, don't give him any Programming updates."If you're not aware you are in 1 of these fringe groups, I'm afraid to tell that is because you are the 1 being discussed, and you may be should to take a long hard look at your whatsapp apps etiquette. Mike Tindall has this week...Tory minister calls pro-Brexit MPs 'swivel-eyed' in group whatsapp apps message
Claire Berry sent a whatsapp apps message to as private group of Tory MPs (Picture: Rex Shutterstock)Tory infighting over Brexit has threatened to get worse after it emerged a serving minister described Leavers angry about the so-called divorce bill as 'swivel-eyed'. Energy minister Claire Perry's remarks came in a whatsapp apps message to a private group of Tory MPs that was obtained with the Telegraph. Ms Perry was responding to Tory MP Ben Bradley, who told he was 'getting some shit from the usual subjects about sell-outs and traitors' over the financial settlement. According to the newspaper, Ms Perry replied: 'The 'sell out traitor mob' ought be ignored. 'We have Stage one agreed and are moving forward to remaining terms, extremely let's not get distracted.'The tyranny of the family whatsapp apps thread - and how to say if your group chat etiquette is all wrong
as informed in My family has 2 whatsapp apps groups: the major one, that is largely taken up with lengthy discussions about what we're going to eat the following time we're together, and endless pictures of my parents' allotment (because we're all desperate to realize how the swiss chard is getting along). Then there's the sub group, where some of us snipe about all the irritating things happening on the other family thread. "Someone needs to have a word with mother about the true meaning of the aubergine emoji again..." "Which of you idiots showed father how to make gifs?! I thought we'd discussed this after he disclosed selfies in 2015 - he's like an iPhone, don't give him any Programming updates."If you're not aware you are in 1 of these fringe groups, I'm afraid to tell that is because you are the 1 being discussed, and you may be should to take a long hard look at your whatsapp apps etiquette. Mike Tindall has this week...collected by :Molly Tony
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