collected by :Molly Tony
more-inThe Securities and interchange Board of India (SEBI) raided 34 locations on Friday, aimed at members of a particular whatsapp apps group, as fraction of a explore into alleged leak of sensitive financial data with analysts and firm officials over social media. "Two days back, SEBI had got search warrants issued versus 34 entities who were fraction of a whatsapp apps group on that value sensitive data was alleged to have been shared," told the man on the condition of anonymity. "Some of the admins of the WhatApp group too came forward and shared the chat records with SEBI that led to today's action. It is believed that the raids were versus members of a group known as 'Market Chatters Group,' but it can not be independently confirmed. An email query to SEBI remembered unanswered untill when of going to press.
more-inThe Securities and interchange Board of India (SEBI) raided 34 locations on Friday, aimed at members of a particular whatsapp apps group, as fraction of a explore into alleged leak of sensitive financial data with analysts and firm officials over social media. "Two days back, SEBI had got search warrants issued versus 34 entities who were fraction of a whatsapp apps group on that value sensitive data was alleged to have been shared," told the man on the condition of anonymity. "Some of the admins of the WhatApp group too came forward and shared the chat records with SEBI that led to today's action. It is believed that the raids were versus members of a group known as 'Market Chatters Group,' but it can not be independently confirmed. An email query to SEBI remembered unanswered untill when of going to press.
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