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Molly Tony But this year, publishers cut the number of supply-side platforms they work with with 20% on average, according to a Pathmatics survey of 500 big US publishers. In 2017, just 23% of publishers promoted the number of SSPs they worked with, drop from 45% in 2016. Though Facebook is pitching the output as a customer service or communications tool, it too allows the social network to Eventually monetize WhatsApp. WhatsApp previously held a powerful anti-advertising position in spite of its acquisition with 1 of the largest media sellers in the world. Since its founding in 2009, FastPay has lent $2 bn to digital media companies, and half of which was in 2017.
WhatsApp deberá dejar de compartir datos con Facebook
França proíbe whatsapp apps de partilhar dados dos utilizadores com o Facebook
as mentioned in O whatsapp apps foi proibido pela comissão nacional de proteção de dados francesa (Comission Nationale de l'Informatiquet des Libertés, "CNIL") de continuar a partilhar informação dos utilizadores com o Facebook, que detém a application de troca de mensagens. A CNIL reclama que quando o whatsapp apps partilha dados com o Facebook está a agir contra a legislação francesa. O whatsapp apps estaria obrigado a partilhar informação com a autoridade francesa, mas, como reporta o The Guardian, não cooperou com a CNIL sobre a forma como obtém e retém dados pessoais dos utilizadores. Depois de o Facebook ter comprado o whatsapp apps em 2014, as autoridades europeias ficaram de sobreaviso quanto aos dados pessoais que o whatsapp apps tinha e como estes seriam partilhados com o Facebook. Em resposta à CNIL, o whatsapp apps afirmou que "vai continuar a trabalhar com a Comissão de Proteção de Dados Francesa para garantir que operating system utilizadores percebem que informação sobre eles é recolhida".
France orders whatsapp apps to stop sharing consumer information with Facebook without consent
The European Union Union's new stronger, unified information prevention laws, the General information prevention Regulation (GDPR), going to come into force on 25 May 2018, after further than 6 years in the making. GDPR going to replace the current patchwork of national information prevention laws, give information regulators greater powers to fine, make it easier for companies with a "one-stop-shop" for operating across the whole of the EU, and innovate a new pan-European information regulator called the European Union information prevention Board. They state that information prevention ought be both with design and default in any operation. To ensure companies comply, GDPR too gives information regulators the power to fine up to €20m or 4% of annual universal turnover, that is several orders of magnitude larger than Former possible fines. Data breaches have to be announced within 72 hours to a information regulator, and affected individuals have to be notified unless the information stolen is unreadable, ie strongly encrypted.
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