referring to WhatsApp may be working on a dedicated application for Apple's iPad. According to a report from WABetaInfo, references of whatsapp applications for iPad are spotted on the latest version of desktop app. So, it can either work as whatsapp applications Web or as standalone application since Apple is too selling iPads with cellular support. There is no formal whatsapp applications application for iPad at the moment, however 1 can always install third-party applications from the application store which makes the instant messaging service accessible on the tablet. New references about the whatsapp applications for iPad application found in whatsapp applications Desktop 0.2.6968 recent update.
WhatsApp approved to be working on Apple iPad app; why Android tablets aren't priority
The site which is all into digging up the currently obtainable whatsapp apps beta and public builds came across references for a whatsapp apps application for iPad in the whatsapp apps desktop 0.2.6968 update. Also something about whatsapp apps Desktop seems to change in future." reads the tweet with the tipster. While whatsapp apps has yet to Approve the same, the Desktop application clearly, hints which accommodations are being made for an iPad app. New references about the whatsapp apps for iPad application found in whatsapp apps Desktop 0.2.6968 recent update. — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) November 11, 2017So why is whatsapp apps continue ignoring Android tablets?
WhatsApp reportedly working on an iPad app
As it stated in After years of existence and universal acceptance, it seems whatsapp applications is gearing up to bring its service to devices apart from the smartphones. According to a report from WaBetaInfo, the firm is reportedly prepping a dedicated application for Apple's tablet lineup. However, the report doesn't Approve whether whatsapp applications going to come in the form of a dedicated application or going to it just be a client application like whatsapp applications Web for Windows and MacBook users. There is no formal whatsapp applications application for iPad at the moment, however 1 could always install third-party applications from the application store which makes the instant messaging service accessible on the tablet. The new feature dubbed as 'WhatsApp Pay' going to help users to send and receive money in the application itself.
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