Pornographic whatsapp apps GIFs removed from application after block menace from Indonesia

collected by :Molly Tony

Pornographic GIFs have been removed from WhatsApp, after Indonesia threatened to block the messaging service. The application lets you browse and search for a wide variety of GIFs, that are provided with third-party companies, and then send them to friends. However, bear in mind that, with doing so, you'll lose the ability to see the time your own sent messages have been read. WhatsApp, that is owned with Facebook, told it wasn't in reality enable to of remove them itself, because communications on the application are prevented with encryption. Giphy Inc., a New York town GIFs firm that too works with WhatsApp, offers partners a feature to filter inappropriate images.

WhatsApp Apple iOS eleven message warns not to lock app

Disgruntled customers have taken to media and backing forums to find a selution to the problem, that can mean you miss messagesIS Apple iOS eleven TO BLAME? Some have speculated that the fault is being caused with Apple's latest operating system, Apple iOS 11, that involved changes to how users receive notifications. He was greeted with the error message 'Swiping to lock whatsapp apps can protect you from receiving notifications.' The tech company this day uncovered that 52 per cent of devices are endeed Utilizing Apple iOS 11. Some have speculated that the fault is being caused with Apple's latest operating system, Apple iOS 11, that involved changes to how users receive notifications.

WhatsApp iOS 11 message warns not to close app

Fake whatsapp apps application downloaded further than 1 mn times

As it stated in Image copyright AFP Image caption The real whatsapp apps messenger has been downloaded further than a bn times from the Play StoreA fake version of the whatsapp apps messenger application was downloaded further than a mn times from the play store before it was removed. The app, "Update whatsapp apps Messenger", appeared to have been developed with the company behind the real programme - whatsapp apps Inc. According to users on web forum Reddit, the fake contained advertesment and can install Programming to users' devices. Whoever was behind the application managed to make it look as though its developer was "WhatsApp Inc". Users receiving automatic updates via the real whatsapp apps would not have been affected.
