as informed in With WhatsApp, you could Eventually watch videos with your friends. The messaging platform has rolled out a new upgrade to its Apple iOS application which going to let users to play YouTube videos within the application itself, Hindustan Times reports. Now, the time you receive a YouTube linked and click on it, the vidimus going to play in WhatsApp. Note which the YouTube feature in whatsapp apps is currently disabled, too if the changelog reports it. You could this time watch videos alongside your friends, rather than having to pause your conversation, possibly getting pulled drop a YouTube autoplay hole as further videos get cued up.
collected by :Molly Tony
WhatsApp en Apple iOS permite ver videos de YouTube sin salir del app
WhatsApp en Apple iOS estrena dos nuevas funciones que te ayudarán a enviar mensajes de voz –y a ver videos de YouTube. Al presionar el candado, la grabación del mensaje de voz continúa pero ya no tienes que mantener el dedo presionado en el icono. Agrandar Imagen Captura de pantalla Óscar Gutiérrez/CNETEsta función ya está disponible y la hemos podido probar en varios dispositivos Apple iOS actualizados a la versión 2.17.81 de WhatsApp. Por otro lado, el cambio de whatsapp apps para ver videos de YouTube directamente en el application aún no la vemos reflejada. WhatsApp dice que cuando recibes un enlace de un vidimus en YouTube, puedes reproducirlo directamente en whatsapp apps como una ventana minimizada (gracias a la función Picture-in-Picture).YouTube videos could this time play directly inside your WhatsApp
as mentioned in Scroll drop for videoYouTube videos going to this time play directly inside messaging application whatsapp apps as fraction of its latest upgrade (stock image)PICTURE-IN-PICTURE whatsapp apps has fixed 1 of the irritations of Utilizing the messenger application with allowing YouTube clips to be played directly in a chat as fraction of its latest update. When users tap on a YouTube linked in a conversation they no longer Must go onto the whatsapp apps application to watch YouTube. 'Note which the YouTube feature in whatsapp apps is currently disabled, too if the changelog reports it. 'Note which the YouTube feature in whatsapp apps is currently disabled, too if the changelog reports it. This new feature implemented in whatsapp apps Utilizes the photo in photo concept to view YouTube videos without opening it.WhatsApp en Apple iOS permite ver videos de YouTube sin salir del app
WhatsApp en Apple iOS estrena dos nuevas funciones que te ayudarán a enviar mensajes de voz –y a ver videos de YouTube. Al presionar el candado, la grabación del mensaje de voz continúa pero ya no tienes que mantener el dedo presionado en el icono. Agrandar Imagen Captura de pantalla Óscar Gutiérrez/CNETEsta función ya está disponible y la hemos podido probar en varios dispositivos Apple iOS actualizados a la versión 2.17.81 de WhatsApp. Por otro lado, el cambio de whatsapp apps para ver videos de YouTube directamente en el application aún no la vemos reflejada. WhatsApp dice que cuando recibes un enlace de un vidimus en YouTube, puedes reproducirlo directamente en whatsapp apps como una ventana minimizada (gracias a la función Picture-in-Picture).YouTube videos could this time play directly inside your WhatsApp
as mentioned in Scroll drop for videoYouTube videos going to this time play directly inside messaging application whatsapp apps as fraction of its latest upgrade (stock image)PICTURE-IN-PICTURE whatsapp apps has fixed 1 of the irritations of Utilizing the messenger application with allowing YouTube clips to be played directly in a chat as fraction of its latest update. When users tap on a YouTube linked in a conversation they no longer Must go onto the whatsapp apps application to watch YouTube. 'Note which the YouTube feature in whatsapp apps is currently disabled, too if the changelog reports it. 'Note which the YouTube feature in whatsapp apps is currently disabled, too if the changelog reports it. This new feature implemented in whatsapp apps Utilizes the photo in photo concept to view YouTube videos without opening it.collected by :Molly Tony
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