according to Over a mn people have been tricked into installing a fake version of WhatsApp. The app, called "Update whatsapp apps Messenger", had been disguised to look just like the real deal. Apart from having a slightly different name to the actual version of – whatsapp apps that is listed as "WhatsApp Messenger" in the play store – upgrade whatsapp apps Messenger looked extremely convincing. What's more, it even appeared to have been developed with whatsapp apps Inc., the creators of the real whatsapp apps app. Last week, another fake whatsapp apps application made it onto Google Play, masquerading as the upcoming Business app.
Fake whatsapp apps application fooled mn Android users on Google Play: Did you fall for it?
Video: whatsapp applications to break out with business serviceA fake version of the Android whatsapp applications application was downloaded a mn times from the play store before users disclosed the fraud, and Google removed it. One of several fake whatsapp applications applications was downloaded among 1 mn and 5 mn times before it was flagged with users on Reddit. He's too flagged several other fake whatsapp applications applications on Google Play over the final month, involving fake Facebook Messenger apps. However, in this status the bogus whatsapp applications application had a four-star rating and over 6,000 reviews. Android malware in Google Play racked up 4.2M downloads: Are you a victim?
Fake whatsapp apps application downloaded further than 1 mn times
referring to Image copyright AFP Image caption The real whatsapp apps messenger has been downloaded further than a bn times from the Play StoreA fake version of the whatsapp apps messenger application was downloaded further than a mn times from the play store before it was removed. The app, "Update whatsapp apps Messenger", appeared to have been developed with the company behind the real programme - whatsapp apps Inc. According to users on web forum Reddit, the fake contained advertesment and can install Programming to users' devices. Whoever was behind the application managed to make it look as though its developer was "WhatsApp Inc". Users receiving automatic updates via the real whatsapp apps would not have been affected.
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