WhatsApp Pay feature going to evidence to be a Nightmare for digital wallets

collected by :Molly Tony

Akshay Mhatre is a Tech Author who likes to save up with the latest from the tech world. A writer with day and a VFX artist with night. In his toll free time, he too likes to make motion graphics and concept art. You could find him on Instagram @akshayrazr_95 and contact him on akshaymhatre[@]theleaker.com

WhatsApp formally launches unsend feature to delete messages

Earlier this week, whatsapp apps updated its FAQ page with instructions on how people could Utilize its new unsend feature which lets users purge the confusing messages they sent before their intended recipient has had a chance to read them. The Facebook subsidiary has reported in a new blog post which it has begun rolling out the unsend feature to all of its users worldwide. "This feature is rolling out for users around the world on the latest versions of iPhone, Android, Windows smartphone as well as desktop," the post read. Here is what you could expect:To access 'Delete for everyone,' make sure you've updated to the latest version on WhatsApp. To give you some context, though 'Delete for everyone' is only making its way to the formal launch now, whatsapp apps has been testing the feature since at least June.

WhatsApp officially launches unsend feature to delete messages

WhatsApp "Delete for Everyone" feature is implemented in a way which just invites needless questions

according to WhatsApp has rolled out its "Delete for Everyone" feature on iPhone, Android, Windows smartphone and the web client. The feature is meant to let users to delete messages sent with mistake, to either an individual or a group. Users Must tap on the message to be deleted, choose delete, and then choose the "Delete for Everyone" option. The deleted message in reality leads to further questions. A bubble which tells a message was deleted however, leads to further questions from tell inquisitive kids, nosy relatives, curious neighbours or bored carpoolers.

WhatsApp is rolling out the Delete for Everyone (Recall) feature for all users!

Since today, users won't have anymore this problem, because whatsapp apps is Eventually rolling out for iOS, Android, Windows smartphone users the potential to recall messages, allowing you to definitely delete messages in chats and groups if the recipients have the latest whatsapp apps version installed: this feature is this time called Delete for Everyone (but consider which the activation is extremely slow). The Delete for Everyone feature works for any message type in WhatsApp: text messages, images, videos, GIFs, voice messages, stickers (in future), contact cards, files, locations, quoted messages and case replies. When you delete a message for everyone, your whatsapp apps sends a fake copy of the message to the recipient. · It's extremely necessary which the recipient has the latest whatsapp apps upgrade installed in order to get the delete for everyone operation working, otherwise it going to fail. You may receive the activation of the feature at any time, however you ought consider which the rolling out of the Delete for Everyone feature is extremely slow.

WhatsApp is rolling out the Delete for Everyone (Recall) feature for all users!
