WhatsApp beta 2.17.397 brings a bunch of interesting features, involving new emojis in the app’s keyboard

collected by :Molly Tony

If you are a fun of new whatsapp apps features, you ought be fraction of the app's beta programme already. For instance, those Utilizing the latest whatsapp apps beta 2.17.396, that has since been updated to v2.17.397, have a bunch of new features to enjoy – features that the stable version 2.17.351 doesn't have just yet. If you are Utilizing the newest version 2.17.397, you ought be enable to of notice new emojis on the app's keyboard. This feature has been on experience for quite some time now, however back then, it wasn't obtainable via the whatsapp apps keyboard. As pointed out, these features are continue limited to the beta version of WhatsApp.

WhatsApp new application upgrade has a nasty surprise for Android and iOS

Whatsapp has been getting best on groups options lately and with new data emerges on-line about further enhancements to whatsapp apps groups, we think it'll be this time far further comfortable way for admins to manage big groups the time this upgrade becomes available. New Search functionality in whatsapp apps GroupsWhatsApp beta for Android 2.17.397: the administrators could Utilize the "Search participant…" option to quickly search and remove multiple entrants at once. According to this tweet, the search entrants function won't be obtainable for small groups however only be there for big groups. And in the following version that's the beta 2.17.397, you get the search option, as we talked about it in the department above this. So, that's it for the following whatsapp apps update, for now.

WhatsApp new App update has a nasty surprise for Android and iOS

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