as declared in Brian Acton, co-founder of WhatsApp, this time owned with Facebook, going to leave the messaging service firm to begin a new foundation, he told in a Facebook post on Tuesday. Acton spent 8 years with WhatsApp, that Facebook purchased in 2014 for $19 bn in cash and stock. A Stanford alumnus, Acton co-founded whatsapp apps with Ukrainian immigrant Jan Koum in 2009. The duo worked at Yahoo before starting WhatsApp.
collected by :Molly Tony
WhatsApp Co-Founder Brian Acton Is Leaving To begin a Foundation
WhatsApp Co-Founder Brian Acton Is Leaving To begin a FoundationWhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton is leaving the firm to begin his own non-profit. Acton, who started at Facebook the time whatsapp apps was acquired for $19 bn in 2014, is the lesser-known of WhatsApp's 2 co-founders. Ironically, Acton interviewed at Facebook back in 2009 after leaving a job at Yahoo, however he wasn't hired. Acton led engineering internally for WhatsApp, and a source lock to the firm tells he was a large advocate for WhatsApp's push into encryption. It's not entirely clear what Acton going to focus on with his new endeavor, however he certainly has money to throw around.WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton leaving Facebook
referring to WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton reported his departure from the firm Tuesday, 3 years after Facebook Inc. purchased the messaging application for $22 billion. "After eight years at WhatsApp, I have decided to move on and begin a new chapter in my life," he told in a Facebook post. Acton told he intends to begin a basis "focused at the intersection of nonprofit, tech and communications." Last week, Facebook told it would eventually begin charging companies for some of WhatsApp's features as it seeks a path to monetization. In July, Facebook told whatsapp apps had reached one bn every day active users, however which it going to take a few years to begin making money from the app.WhatsApp Co-Founder Brian Acton Is Leaving To begin a Foundation
WhatsApp Co-Founder Brian Acton Is Leaving To begin a FoundationWhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton is leaving the firm to begin his own non-profit. Acton, who started at Facebook the time whatsapp apps was acquired for $19 bn in 2014, is the lesser-known of WhatsApp's 2 co-founders. Ironically, Acton interviewed at Facebook back in 2009 after leaving a job at Yahoo, however he wasn't hired. Acton led engineering internally for WhatsApp, and a source lock to the firm tells he was a large advocate for WhatsApp's push into encryption. It's not entirely clear what Acton going to focus on with his new endeavor, however he certainly has money to throw around.WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton leaving Facebook
referring to WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton reported his departure from the firm Tuesday, 3 years after Facebook Inc. purchased the messaging application for $22 billion. "After eight years at WhatsApp, I have decided to move on and begin a new chapter in my life," he told in a Facebook post. Acton told he intends to begin a basis "focused at the intersection of nonprofit, tech and communications." Last week, Facebook told it would eventually begin charging companies for some of WhatsApp's features as it seeks a path to monetization. In July, Facebook told whatsapp apps had reached one bn every day active users, however which it going to take a few years to begin making money from the app.collected by :Molly Tony
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