WhatsApp messages reveal ‘Lego’ Islam extremists quoting : "The Irish Times "

as informed in However, Silicon Valley tech companies have so far refused to bend to similar legal requests. British Home Secretary Amber Rudd will travel to the United States shortly to discuss the issue further with her American counterpart and tech companies, said Turnbull. Facebook said it already had a system in place to help police and intelligence officials in Australia. Sydney - Social media giants like Facebook and WhatsApp will be compelled to share encrypted messages of suspected terrorists and other criminals with Australian police under new laws unveiled on Friday. We are a society, a democracy, under the rule of law, and the law must prevail online as well as offline."

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WhatsApp messages reveal 'Lego' Islam extremists
The Islam on display in the chat group, the researchers wrote, "has little in common with theology such as rational Sunni Islam … beyond vocabulary and symbols". Comic momentsAs well as plans for the bombing attack, the chat protocol has unintentionally comic moments. A group of German academics studied almost 6,000 WhatsApp messages found on a phone, seized last year by police from its owner, who was involved in a terror attack last year. The academics do not name the chat group members, described as a mix of "laymen and autodidacts", nor do they say which terror attack they were planning. Researchers Becem Dziri and Michael Kiefer, who analysed the messages from an Islamic studies perspective, said the chats revealed a sketchy knowledge of Islam among members.

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