As it stated in And to easily bold, italicize or strikethrough your text, you'll just have to tap and hold the text to select it. Last year, WhatsApp launched video calling and earlier this year, two-step verification was rolled out to all of its users. WhatsApp will also stop compressing photos, allowing your original quality to remain intact. Those were followed by Snapchat-style status updates, Siri integration and photo filters. The new update is rolling out for android and iOS now.
as informed in
Nope – WhatsApp wants you to also share useful stuff, today announcing an update which will greatly expand the messaging app's file sharing capabilities. Building on last year's roll out of sending PDF attachments to pals, users can now share any file type they want through WhatsApp. WhatsApp isn't just about sharing GIFs and jokes about friends from one group in another they're excluded from (we all do that right?). No longer will you have to wrestle with a small scrolling selection of images – instead, the in-app camera will show all images it can fit onscreen at once, with multiple sent images grouped tidily into a gallery view. WhatsApp will now let you addbold, italicised or strikethrough text to your chats, with a simple tap and hold over the words to be formatted.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
as informed in
Nope – WhatsApp wants you to also share useful stuff, today announcing an update which will greatly expand the messaging app's file sharing capabilities. Building on last year's roll out of sending PDF attachments to pals, users can now share any file type they want through WhatsApp. WhatsApp isn't just about sharing GIFs and jokes about friends from one group in another they're excluded from (we all do that right?). No longer will you have to wrestle with a small scrolling selection of images – instead, the in-app camera will show all images it can fit onscreen at once, with multiple sent images grouped tidily into a gallery view. WhatsApp will now let you addbold, italicised or strikethrough text to your chats, with a simple tap and hold over the words to be formatted.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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