collected by :Andro Alex
Fake messages designed to scam people out of their bank details have been sent to WhatsApp users. Users have been warned the messages will look like normal WhatsApp messages but hackers will be using the app to gather users' personal details. WhatsApp used to charge a 99p fee for using the service so long-term users who remember paying before may fall for the scam, warn Action Fraud. Anyone who thinks they have fallen prey to the scam is urged to run antivirus software on their device. And last year users were tricked into downloading an exclusive version of WhatsApp 'Gold', which infected android phones with malware.
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Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailPopular messaging service WhatsApp is being targeted by scammers. Users are being warned that fake messages are circulating trying to get them to share their bank details. While it might look like a regular message, it isn't as WhatsApp would never ask you to share your details in this way. ActionFraud are advising those who think they may have fallen victim to the scam to run antivirus software on their phone. It then asks you to update your payment information claiming your one-year free trial period has ended, despite WhatsApp not having a trial period.
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Fake messages designed to scam people out of their bank details have been sent to WhatsApp users. Users have been warned the messages will look like normal WhatsApp messages but hackers will be using the app to gather users' personal details. WhatsApp used to charge a 99p fee for using the service so long-term users who remember paying before may fall for the scam, warn Action Fraud. Anyone who thinks they have fallen prey to the scam is urged to run antivirus software on their device. And last year users were tricked into downloading an exclusive version of WhatsApp 'Gold', which infected android phones with malware.
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This fake WhatsApp message is trying to scam your bank details
Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailWhatsApp users are being warned to watch out for fake messages aiming to scam people out of their bank details. While the message may look like a normal whatsapp one, fraudsters are using the app to get hold of users' personal details. Action Fraud said the text could trick long-term users of WhatsApp who may remember paying a 99p fee to use the service. The video will start in 8 CancelGet daily updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe Thank you for subscribing! And last year users were tricked into downloading an exclusive version of Whatsapp 'Gold' which infected android phones with malware.Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailPopular messaging service WhatsApp is being targeted by scammers. Users are being warned that fake messages are circulating trying to get them to share their bank details. While it might look like a regular message, it isn't as WhatsApp would never ask you to share your details in this way. ActionFraud are advising those who think they may have fallen victim to the scam to run antivirus software on their phone. It then asks you to update your payment information claiming your one-year free trial period has ended, despite WhatsApp not having a trial period.
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