according to WhatsApp is not doing enough to protect its users' data from governments, internet privacy campaigners have claimed. The EFF's report assesses how companies deal with requests from governments for data about its users. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, gave the messaging app one of the lowest scores in its annual report into how technology companies protect their users. They are given a rating between zero and five stars based on conditions such as whether users are told about data requests and whether they explicitly promise not to fight requests for their information. The criticisms come despite WhatsApp's adoption of end-to-end encryption and politicians' attacks on the app for being unable to hand over messages sent by criminals.
according to
WhatsApp users can now download the latest update on their android and Apple devices which includes a host of new features. The Facebook-owned messaging app now lets its army of loyal fans send documents of any type during chats. Previously, files that could be sent via WhatsApp were limited to standard PDF documents, but file size is now the only limitation. WhatsApp says documents of up to 100MB can now be sent which should easily be enough for the average user. Other new features include the ability to pin chats to the top of chat lists and multiple photos can now be forwarded quickly and deleted all at once.
IN light of a new scam doing the rounds, WhatsApp users are urged to be vigilant when communicating with loved ones, and to set up security questions to avoid falling victim. 'My phone speaker is dead' is a common thread in these scams, when scammers' victims volunteer to phone them. When communicating with loved ones via WhatsApp or any other social media tool, people are encouraged to set up secret questions to which only they and their loved ones know the answers. Posing as that loved one, the scammer then sends a message to their intended victim, saying they need their help. Posing as loved ones of their victims, scammers appear to give plausible reasons for contacting their mothers, sisters or daughters from an unknown number before attempting to coax them into sending them money.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
according to
WhatsApp users should update their iPhones NOW as upgrade aims to keep it ahead of rivals
WhatsApp users can now download the latest update on their android and Apple devices which includes a host of new features. The Facebook-owned messaging app now lets its army of loyal fans send documents of any type during chats. Previously, files that could be sent via WhatsApp were limited to standard PDF documents, but file size is now the only limitation. WhatsApp says documents of up to 100MB can now be sent which should easily be enough for the average user. Other new features include the ability to pin chats to the top of chat lists and multiple photos can now be forwarded quickly and deleted all at once.
Scam alert! WhatsApp users beware
IN light of a new scam doing the rounds, WhatsApp users are urged to be vigilant when communicating with loved ones, and to set up security questions to avoid falling victim. 'My phone speaker is dead' is a common thread in these scams, when scammers' victims volunteer to phone them. When communicating with loved ones via WhatsApp or any other social media tool, people are encouraged to set up secret questions to which only they and their loved ones know the answers. Posing as that loved one, the scammer then sends a message to their intended victim, saying they need their help. Posing as loved ones of their victims, scammers appear to give plausible reasons for contacting their mothers, sisters or daughters from an unknown number before attempting to coax them into sending them money.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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