referring to That means you can now send android APK installers, MP3s and whatever else you've got on your phone. The new file sharing feature is rolling out with the latest versions of WhatsApp – grab 'em for Android and iOS. The latest version of WhatsApp for Android and iOS has added a handy new feature: the ability to send any sort of file to your contacts. It's always nice to see WhatsApp slowly but surely catch up to more feature-rich messaging services out there. The app is expected to enable users in India to make peer-to-peer payments soon; hopefully we won't have to wait long to test that out.
As it stated in
Now, all of these file types are shareable from the Attach > Document pop-up. There are 3 new things to discuss in the WhatsApp app. As for sending more file types, as I mentioned, it appears to be rolling out slowly to everyone so be patient if you don't see it yet. You could technically share images, but they'd be compressed whereas sending the .jpg shares the entire file uncompressed. (Or, more realistically, because no one here actually uses WhatsApp so they didn't know what to say.)
That means you can now send android APK installers, MP3s and whatever else you've got on your phone. The latest version of WhatsApp for Android and iOS has added a handy new feature: the ability to send any sort of file to your contacts. The new file sharing feature is rolling out with the latest versions of WhatsApp – grab 'em for Android and iOS. WhatsApp on Google PlayRead next: Facebook's lite version of Messenger lands in India, and you should switch right now It's always nice to see WhatsApp slowly but surely catch up to more feature-rich messaging services out there.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
As it stated in
In Stable Version] WhatsApp lets you send any file type, bundles shared media, and modifies the call screen
Now, all of these file types are shareable from the Attach > Document pop-up. There are 3 new things to discuss in the WhatsApp app. As for sending more file types, as I mentioned, it appears to be rolling out slowly to everyone so be patient if you don't see it yet. You could technically share images, but they'd be compressed whereas sending the .jpg shares the entire file uncompressed. (Or, more realistically, because no one here actually uses WhatsApp so they didn't know what to say.)
WhatsApp finally lets you send any kind of file
That means you can now send android APK installers, MP3s and whatever else you've got on your phone. The latest version of WhatsApp for Android and iOS has added a handy new feature: the ability to send any sort of file to your contacts. The new file sharing feature is rolling out with the latest versions of WhatsApp – grab 'em for Android and iOS. WhatsApp on Google PlayRead next: Facebook's lite version of Messenger lands in India, and you should switch right now It's always nice to see WhatsApp slowly but surely catch up to more feature-rich messaging services out there.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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