as informed in In the meantime, the company has confirmed to us that data sharing between WhatsApp and Facebook remains suspended in Europe. And European data protection agencies' fast-flowing objections to the WhatsApp-Facebook data sharing quickly led to Facebook suspending these data flows in the region. Facebook responded to the fine with its own statement — claiming it had made "errors" in 2014 when it made the filing to regulators. And it imposes a proportionate and deterrent fine on Facebook," she added. The European Commission said today that Facebook told it at that time that it could not automatically match user accounts between its own platform and WhatsApp — yet the company subsequently revealed it would be doing just that.
according to

Facebook has been fined €110m ($120m) by the European Commission for providing incorrect and misleading information on its takeover of WhatsApp in 2014. "However, in August 2016, WhatsApp announced updates to its terms of service and privacy policy, including the possibility of linking WhatsApp users' phone numbers with Facebook users' identities," it said. It noted that when Facebook notified the Commission of the acquisition in 2014, the company had said it would "be unable to establish reliable automated matching between Facebook users' accounts and WhatsApp users' accounts". EU regulators cleared the $19bn Facebook acquisition of WhatsApp, finding no reason to believe it would dampen competition in the burgeoning social media sector. "The Commission must be able to take decisions about mergers' effects on competition in full knowledge of accurate facts," Vestager said.
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collected by :Andro Alex
according to
Facebook has been fined €110m ($120m) by the European Commission for providing incorrect and misleading information on its takeover of WhatsApp in 2014. "However, in August 2016, WhatsApp announced updates to its terms of service and privacy policy, including the possibility of linking WhatsApp users' phone numbers with Facebook users' identities," it said. It noted that when Facebook notified the Commission of the acquisition in 2014, the company had said it would "be unable to establish reliable automated matching between Facebook users' accounts and WhatsApp users' accounts". EU regulators cleared the $19bn Facebook acquisition of WhatsApp, finding no reason to believe it would dampen competition in the burgeoning social media sector. "The Commission must be able to take decisions about mergers' effects on competition in full knowledge of accurate facts," Vestager said.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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