as declared in US-based mobile messaging service, WhatsApp, was fined 3 million Euros (3.3 million dollars) on Friday in Italy for insufficient transparency on data sharing with its parent company, Facebook. WhatsApp was taken over by Facebook in 2014 and two years later, it introduced new terms of service and privacy policies that gave Facebook access to WhatsApp users' data. The EU executive accused Facebook of misleadingly telling the commission that it could not smoothly integrate its own users' data with that of WhatsApp. In December, the European Commission, which regulates antitrust matters in the EU, launched an investigation into Facebook's conduct prior to the WhatsApp buyout. The commission said it could slap a fine of up to 1 per cent of annual turnover, around 280 million dollars, if it is not satisfied by the internet giant's answers.
As it stated in
Just today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced WhatsApp Status, which operates a lot like Instagram Stories, has more than 175 million users. At 8PM ET, a spokesperson provided Engadget the following statement: "Earlier today, WhatsApp users in all parts of the world were unable to access WhatsApp for a few hours. Facebook purchased the service and its 450 million registered users in 2014 for $19 billion, and by February 2016, WhatsApp had ballooned to more than 1 billion monthly users. Compare that with Snapchat, the OG disappearing-message service: In February, the company reported a userbase of 161 million. WhatsApp is hugely popular.
I think that's what most people think of when they think about this idea of having a chat with the company. But, I think that's going to be a pretty key piece of building this business, and it will be a big challenge. With Messenger properties both in phase 2, I'm wondering what that's going to look like. Phase 2 is have people interacting with businesses freely, and I think that's where both these platforms are. I think that's going to be pretty tough because it's really unfamiliar to people.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
As it stated in
WhatsApp is down worldwide but Facebook is fixing it (updated)
Just today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced WhatsApp Status, which operates a lot like Instagram Stories, has more than 175 million users. At 8PM ET, a spokesperson provided Engadget the following statement: "Earlier today, WhatsApp users in all parts of the world were unable to access WhatsApp for a few hours. Facebook purchased the service and its 450 million registered users in 2014 for $19 billion, and by February 2016, WhatsApp had ballooned to more than 1 billion monthly users. Compare that with Snapchat, the OG disappearing-message service: In February, the company reported a userbase of 161 million. WhatsApp is hugely popular.
I think that's what most people think of when they think about this idea of having a chat with the company. But, I think that's going to be a pretty key piece of building this business, and it will be a big challenge. With Messenger properties both in phase 2, I'm wondering what that's going to look like. Phase 2 is have people interacting with businesses freely, and I think that's where both these platforms are. I think that's going to be pretty tough because it's really unfamiliar to people.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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