As it stated in Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailA new feature has been launched by WhatsApp just days after a global outage sparked a social media frenzy among users. In a similar move to workplace instant messaging app Slack, WhatsApp will now let you pin certain chats to the top of the app. Many users reported being able to open the app, but not able to connect to its servers, making it impossible to send or receive messages. At the moment, it's only possible to use the feature in the beta version of the app, the Mirror reports. WhatsApp hasn't confirmed an official rollout but it will likely arrive on android and iOS versions of the app in the coming months.
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WhatsApp messaging service was DOWNIn a similar move to workplace instant messaging app Slack, WhatsApp will now let you pin certain chats to the top of the app, reports Mirror Online. Free messenger service WhatsApp has grown hugely popular in recent years providing a way for people to swiftly transfer messages, images and video. It also provides an alternative to selfie-sharing app Snapchat with a feature allowing users to post self-deleting pictures. Thankfully the service, which boasts over a billion active users, is back up and running as normal - only now with a new feature. It's reportedly working on a feature that could let users unsend embarrassing messages after they have been sent.
While acquiring WhatsApp, Facebook had claimed that the respect for the privacy of its users was "coded into its DNA." Also in April, Facebook, was banned from collecting information of WhatsApp users by German authorities, after it was found to have breached data protection laws after it was found to have breached data protection laws. The messaging platform, which was bought by Facebook in 2014, has been fined 3.3 million dollars in Italy over a new privacy policy that came into effect in August 2016, which allows the transfer of the user's personal information to its parent company. In what must be seen as a clear warning to all WhatsApp users around the world, the company has been fined for 'forcing' users to share their personal data with the global social network giant Facebook. But in Europe, Italy's anti-trust regulator which has fined the company, reportedly alleged that "the opportunity for WhatsApp users to refuse the handover of data to Facebook was available 'but it was inadequately flagged'."
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collected by :Andro Alex
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WhatsApp has brought out this really useful new feature - and it involves organising your chats
WhatsApp messaging service was DOWNIn a similar move to workplace instant messaging app Slack, WhatsApp will now let you pin certain chats to the top of the app, reports Mirror Online. Free messenger service WhatsApp has grown hugely popular in recent years providing a way for people to swiftly transfer messages, images and video. It also provides an alternative to selfie-sharing app Snapchat with a feature allowing users to post self-deleting pictures. Thankfully the service, which boasts over a billion active users, is back up and running as normal - only now with a new feature. It's reportedly working on a feature that could let users unsend embarrassing messages after they have been sent.
While acquiring WhatsApp, Facebook had claimed that the respect for the privacy of its users was "coded into its DNA." Also in April, Facebook, was banned from collecting information of WhatsApp users by German authorities, after it was found to have breached data protection laws after it was found to have breached data protection laws. The messaging platform, which was bought by Facebook in 2014, has been fined 3.3 million dollars in Italy over a new privacy policy that came into effect in August 2016, which allows the transfer of the user's personal information to its parent company. In what must be seen as a clear warning to all WhatsApp users around the world, the company has been fined for 'forcing' users to share their personal data with the global social network giant Facebook. But in Europe, Italy's anti-trust regulator which has fined the company, reportedly alleged that "the opportunity for WhatsApp users to refuse the handover of data to Facebook was available 'but it was inadequately flagged'."
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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