as informed in Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailA new feature has been launched by WhatsApp just days after a global outage sparked a social media frenzy among users. In a similar move to workplace instant messaging app Slack, WhatsApp will now let you pin certain chats to the top of the app. Many users reported being able to open the app, but not able to connect to its servers, making it impossible to send or receive messages. At the moment, it's only possible to use the feature in the beta version of the app, the Mirror reports. WhatsApp hasn't confirmed an official rollout but it will likely arrive on android and iOS versions of the app in the coming months.
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WhatsApp debuted its Status feature back in late February. Status allows WhatsApp users to broadcast short video clips, photos, and GIFs to their contacts. The revived feature hinted that WhatsApp users weren't too impressed with the new Status. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed the impressive engagement numbers during the social network's earnings call earlier this month. GETTY • APPLE • WHATSAPP Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed some interesting tidbits about WhatsApp usageWhatsApp Status, the Facebook-owned messaging app's version of the Stories feature in SnapChat, now has 175 million daily users.
Called WhatsApp Status, it allows people to post videos or GIFs that disappear after 24 hours. Just like regular WhatsApp messages , the new Status posts are encrypted end-to-end, meaning outsiders can't pry into what you're posting. Status updates can be sent to contacts through messages and adorned with annotations, stickers and emojis. (Photo: Getty)It's reportedly working on a feature that could let users unsend embarrassing messages after they have been sent. But the service, which boasts over a billion active users, is back running as normal - only now with a new feature .
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collected by :Andro Alex
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WhatsApp - Turns out its most annoying feature is actually quite popular
WhatsApp debuted its Status feature back in late February. Status allows WhatsApp users to broadcast short video clips, photos, and GIFs to their contacts. The revived feature hinted that WhatsApp users weren't too impressed with the new Status. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed the impressive engagement numbers during the social network's earnings call earlier this month. GETTY • APPLE • WHATSAPP Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed some interesting tidbits about WhatsApp usageWhatsApp Status, the Facebook-owned messaging app's version of the Stories feature in SnapChat, now has 175 million daily users.
Called WhatsApp Status, it allows people to post videos or GIFs that disappear after 24 hours. Just like regular WhatsApp messages , the new Status posts are encrypted end-to-end, meaning outsiders can't pry into what you're posting. Status updates can be sent to contacts through messages and adorned with annotations, stickers and emojis. (Photo: Getty)It's reportedly working on a feature that could let users unsend embarrassing messages after they have been sent. But the service, which boasts over a billion active users, is back running as normal - only now with a new feature .
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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