referring to Reports of a revoke feature for WhatsApp have been circulating the web since last year. Twitter account @WABetaInfo, which provides updates on new features on WhatsApp, tweeted about the addition of the revoke feature to the web client recently. The revoke feature allows WhatsApp users to "unsend" a text message that was not meant for a recipient or simply to revoke a message that was accidentally sent to the intended receiver. WhatsApp is about to let you breathe a little easier with an option to revoke a message that was mistakenly sent. A five-minute window will be given to users to revoke the message.
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Talking about the Siri-related update, WhatsApp already let you to compose and send WhatsApp messages through Siri. WhatsApp on Friday released a new update for the iphone, which brings some nifty little visual improvements along with the ability to have Siri read out your latest messages. You should also note that once Siri has read your latest messages, it won't be able to read it again the second time. As mentioned earlier, WhatsApp has also added support for Persian language with the latest update to its iPhone app. Say something like "Hey Siri, read my last WhatsApp message" and Siri will read out the new messages to you and will then prompt you to compose a reply.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
referring to
Talking about the Siri-related update, WhatsApp already let you to compose and send WhatsApp messages through Siri. WhatsApp on Friday released a new update for the iphone, which brings some nifty little visual improvements along with the ability to have Siri read out your latest messages. You should also note that once Siri has read your latest messages, it won't be able to read it again the second time. As mentioned earlier, WhatsApp has also added support for Persian language with the latest update to its iPhone app. Say something like "Hey Siri, read my last WhatsApp message" and Siri will read out the new messages to you and will then prompt you to compose a reply.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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