as mentioned in — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) April 12, 2017Last week, it was alleged that WhatsApp is about to get a lot less private. The European Union previously told WhatsApp to stop sharing users' information with Facebook. WhatsApp Web 0.2.4077: many improvements for the revoke feature & you'll be able to unsend messages sent within 5 minutes (DISABLED NOW). It is rumoured to be working on an update which will allow users to "unsend" missives and save themselves from getting egg on their reddening face. Facebook, which bought WhatsApp in 2014, is in negotiations with the European regulator to get its hands on the chat app's juicy data.
As it stated in
GETTY/WHATSAPP WHATSAPP WORRY: New update could spell trouble for your privacyThere's bad news for WhatsApp users worried about their privacy. WHATSAPP and Facebook have almost struck a deal that could spell bad news for users who value data privacy. Facebook bought WhatsApp back in 2014 and originally stated it would not interfere with the messenger's privacy policy. The news marked the first major change to WhatsApp's terms of use and privacy policy for almost four years. Facebook has been working with European regulators to try reach a deal that would allow it to use data gleaned from WhatsApp users.
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collected by :Andro Alex
As it stated in
GETTY/WHATSAPP WHATSAPP WORRY: New update could spell trouble for your privacyThere's bad news for WhatsApp users worried about their privacy. WHATSAPP and Facebook have almost struck a deal that could spell bad news for users who value data privacy. Facebook bought WhatsApp back in 2014 and originally stated it would not interfere with the messenger's privacy policy. The news marked the first major change to WhatsApp's terms of use and privacy policy for almost four years. Facebook has been working with European regulators to try reach a deal that would allow it to use data gleaned from WhatsApp users.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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