referring to An 18-year-old boy was arrested on Friday for allegedly forwarding an objectionable message about Prophet Mohammad on WhatsApp in Varanasi. Shukla added that Gupta told them that he had received the message from Deepak Mishra, who is probably a Lucknow-resident. He said that chain of the message was being tracked to find out the number from where that message was generated first. Shukla added that Mishra's number will be checked and action taken against him too. Jai Shayam Shukla of Lohta police station said that a complaint against Gupta was received on Friday night that he had forwarded the message.
as declared in
: The incident of a woman allegedly kidnapped by three men in a housing estate here that went viral on the Whatapps application yesterday is not true.Sandakan District Police chief ACP Azhar Hamin said investigation revealed that the woman, in her 20s and believed to have been kidnapped, had followed her male colleagues as she was facing marital problems with her husband.He said the police had interviewed all those concerned and the woman had admitted having marital problems with her husband.The dissemination of the information that went viral was not true at all, he said here today.-- BERNAMA
The Police Service on Saturday urged citizens to disregard the "mischievous" messages, purportedly sent out by police officers. The Police Service said that as a general rule, unknown people should not be granted access to people's property. See also: Trinis, stop sharing fake newsFacebook gets serious about fighting fake news It added that members of the public should refrain from giving life to these messages through its recirculation. The "public advisory" warns citizens that these "convincing" individuals use the ruse to gain entry to people's homes where they would commit sexual assaults on females, tie them up, then proceed to carry out a robbery.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
as declared in
WhatsApp message of woman kidnapped by three men in Sandakan untrue - Police
: The incident of a woman allegedly kidnapped by three men in a housing estate here that went viral on the Whatapps application yesterday is not true.Sandakan District Police chief ACP Azhar Hamin said investigation revealed that the woman, in her 20s and believed to have been kidnapped, had followed her male colleagues as she was facing marital problems with her husband.He said the police had interviewed all those concerned and the woman had admitted having marital problems with her husband.The dissemination of the information that went viral was not true at all, he said here today.-- BERNAMA
TTPS: WhatsApp warning message 'false'
The Police Service on Saturday urged citizens to disregard the "mischievous" messages, purportedly sent out by police officers. The Police Service said that as a general rule, unknown people should not be granted access to people's property. See also: Trinis, stop sharing fake newsFacebook gets serious about fighting fake news It added that members of the public should refrain from giving life to these messages through its recirculation. The "public advisory" warns citizens that these "convincing" individuals use the ruse to gain entry to people's homes where they would commit sexual assaults on females, tie them up, then proceed to carry out a robbery.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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