as mentioned in The first and largest international network distributing child pornography on WhatsApp has been dismantled. The operation to dismantle the network, named Tantalio, is the first-ever child porn crackdown aimed specifically against WhatsApp. A total of 39 people have been arrested in connection with the network, and 17 of the group were based in Spain. People from 18 countries were investigated as part of the operation and around 360,000 photo and video files were discovered in WhatsApp chats. Spanish chief commissioner Rafael Perez, who works within the technology department, said that victim's ages ranged from two-three months to eight years old.
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"This case is an excellent example of global law enforcement cooperation, led by the Spanish National Police," he said. "These offenders are pushing the boundaries of modern technologies to try to avoid being caught by law enforcement," said Rob Wainwright, director of Europol. A global law enforcement operation has resulted in the arrest of 38 individuals suspected of exchanging child abuse material via smartphone services including WhatsApp, with police finding "hundreds of devices" containing terabytes-worth of sexual exploitation content. A WhatsApp spokesperson told IBTimes UK: "Child exploitation has no place on WhatsApp. Hundreds of the seized images and videos were reportedly shared with Europol and Interpol via its International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) database.
The suspects are accused of using the instant messaging service WhatsApp to share sick images of children being sexually abused. (Photo: arrested 39 suspects as the investigation spanned 18 countries in Europe, North America and South America. Police in Spain revealed shocking details as they confirmed the abuse victims included babies, toddlers and children as old as eight. Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailNearly 40 people have been arrested after multiple police agencies on three continents worked together to dismantle Europe's biggest ever paedophile ring. Raids were carried out at 19 different locations in Europe with mobile phones, laptops, storage devices, cameras and external hard drivers all being seized.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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Police bust paedophile ring using WhatsApp to share 'brutal' images of child abuse
"This case is an excellent example of global law enforcement cooperation, led by the Spanish National Police," he said. "These offenders are pushing the boundaries of modern technologies to try to avoid being caught by law enforcement," said Rob Wainwright, director of Europol. A global law enforcement operation has resulted in the arrest of 38 individuals suspected of exchanging child abuse material via smartphone services including WhatsApp, with police finding "hundreds of devices" containing terabytes-worth of sexual exploitation content. A WhatsApp spokesperson told IBTimes UK: "Child exploitation has no place on WhatsApp. Hundreds of the seized images and videos were reportedly shared with Europol and Interpol via its International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) database.
Police smash biggest ever paedophile ring in Europe which shared sick images of brutal child abuse through WhatsApp
The suspects are accused of using the instant messaging service WhatsApp to share sick images of children being sexually abused. (Photo: arrested 39 suspects as the investigation spanned 18 countries in Europe, North America and South America. Police in Spain revealed shocking details as they confirmed the abuse victims included babies, toddlers and children as old as eight. Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailNearly 40 people have been arrested after multiple police agencies on three continents worked together to dismantle Europe's biggest ever paedophile ring. Raids were carried out at 19 different locations in Europe with mobile phones, laptops, storage devices, cameras and external hard drivers all being seized.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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