according to The latest WhatsApp update for iOS adds the ability to have Siri read your messages. Enable Siri support for WhatsApp on iPhoneOnce you update WhatsApp to the latest version, users will need to make sure to enable Siri support for WhatsApp on an iphone. Allow Siri to access your WhatsApp contactsNow you need to allow Siri to access your WhatsApp contacts. So the recent update for WhatsApp for iOS 10 allows Siri to read out messages to you, reply them and even send new ones to those people already added in your WhatsApp contact list. It is to be noted that Siri will work with WhatsApp as long as you have an iPhone running iOS 10.3.
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Right now, the Facebook-owned IM app, WhatsApp Messenger has rolled out a new update to its iOS app. The latest update of WhatsApp for iOS integrates Apple's virtual assistant Siri within it. The users can activate this feature in WhatsApp's settings menu with usual "Hey Siri" command and then asking it to read the latest messages on WhatsApp. The new update of WhatsApp for iOS is now available for download on the App Store. Interestingly, now users can ask Siri to read out new messages which will be helpful for the visually impaired and also in situations like driving, etc.
16 SHARES Share TweetWhatsApp for iOS has finally added the support to let Siri, Apple's digital assistant, read the messages. That means you can now command Siri to read out the texts you've received without touching your iphone. Now the new WhatsApp update brings the capability to summon Siri and ask it to read the texts. You can download the latest version of WhatsApp for iOS from the Apple App Store. However, you'll be able to use this feature only if you've a device running iOS 10.3 or higher.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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Latest WhatsApp Update for iOS Integrates Siri and Reads Out New Messages
Right now, the Facebook-owned IM app, WhatsApp Messenger has rolled out a new update to its iOS app. The latest update of WhatsApp for iOS integrates Apple's virtual assistant Siri within it. The users can activate this feature in WhatsApp's settings menu with usual "Hey Siri" command and then asking it to read the latest messages on WhatsApp. The new update of WhatsApp for iOS is now available for download on the App Store. Interestingly, now users can ask Siri to read out new messages which will be helpful for the visually impaired and also in situations like driving, etc.
16 SHARES Share TweetWhatsApp for iOS has finally added the support to let Siri, Apple's digital assistant, read the messages. That means you can now command Siri to read out the texts you've received without touching your iphone. Now the new WhatsApp update brings the capability to summon Siri and ask it to read the texts. You can download the latest version of WhatsApp for iOS from the Apple App Store. However, you'll be able to use this feature only if you've a device running iOS 10.3 or higher.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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