As it stated in Last year WhatsApp began testing version of the unsend feature that only allowed users to take back messages if they hadn't already been seen by the recipient. Twitter account @WABetaInfo, first revealed details of the 'unsend' feature. WHATSAPP TO OPEN UP WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned messaging service used by more than 1 billion people worldwide, is testing a system that would let businesses talk directly to WhatsApp users for the first time, according to communications about the project seen by Reuters. WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned messaging service , is testing a system that would let businesses talk directly to users for the first time. Over the past few months, you may have noticed a trend across social media – shortly after Snapchat introduces a feature, Facebook seems to follow suit.
as declared in
When Facebook bought whatsapp, it was stopped from snooping on the chat app's data...but that might be about to changeClick to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)YOUR WhatsApp is about to get a lot less private. Facebook, which bought WhatsApp in 2014, is in negotiations with the European regulator to get its hands on the chat app's juicy data. Getty Images 2 Whatsapp uses encryption to keep your messages secure, but the European Union data protection bods fear that information could be sent to Facebook and link you to your profile Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon, the lead EU regulator on privacy issues for Facebook said that the European Union might have a change of heart. They didn't believe people using it (the likes of you and I) had consented, or fully understood exactly what and how their information was being shared.
With more than one billion users, WhatsApp has taken the world by storm - and it could be getting even better. The revoke feature (called now "unsend") should be available very soon, but probably we should wait the next iOS official update before. There's also a new "change number" feature, which could make it easier to notify your contacts if you change your phone number. — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) April 17, 2017It's not yet clear exactly how the the feature could work. A beta release is a software version that is given out to a large group of users to try out.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
as declared in
Facebook could get access to all your juicy WhatsApp information from THIS summer
When Facebook bought whatsapp, it was stopped from snooping on the chat app's data...but that might be about to changeClick to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)YOUR WhatsApp is about to get a lot less private. Facebook, which bought WhatsApp in 2014, is in negotiations with the European regulator to get its hands on the chat app's juicy data. Getty Images 2 Whatsapp uses encryption to keep your messages secure, but the European Union data protection bods fear that information could be sent to Facebook and link you to your profile Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon, the lead EU regulator on privacy issues for Facebook said that the European Union might have a change of heart. They didn't believe people using it (the likes of you and I) had consented, or fully understood exactly what and how their information was being shared.
WhatsApp could finally be about to let you unsend messages
With more than one billion users, WhatsApp has taken the world by storm - and it could be getting even better. The revoke feature (called now "unsend") should be available very soon, but probably we should wait the next iOS official update before. There's also a new "change number" feature, which could make it easier to notify your contacts if you change your phone number. — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) April 17, 2017It's not yet clear exactly how the the feature could work. A beta release is a software version that is given out to a large group of users to try out.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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