as declared in WhatsApp update: This new feature may irritate youNew Delhi: Popular mobile messaging service, WhatsApp has introduced another new feature which may irritate its users. It is also reported that, WhatsApp will notify users' contacts whenever there is a change in their phone numbers or update their profile. After users demanded old 'text' status, WhatsApp reintroduced it taking into consideration their demand. Now, a new feature is introduced which will not allow users to hide whenever they change their phone numbers. However, Facebook and WhatsApp are yet to confirm the roll out of this update.
according to
WhatsApp even re-added its basic text based status update feature following a backlash from users who complained about its removal. WhatsApp has rolled out new features to its mobile app recently including the Snapchat style short video update called 'Status'. The report also suggests that WhatsApp will notify user's contacts whenever they change their phone number or update their profile. Now there are reports that WhatsApp will roll out an update that will remove the feature that allows users to stay clear of contacts they want to avoid. Facebook and WhatsApp are yet to confirm the roll out of this update but few reports claim that it could be included as a new option in the security setting.
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collected by :Andro Alex
according to
WhatsApp even re-added its basic text based status update feature following a backlash from users who complained about its removal. WhatsApp has rolled out new features to its mobile app recently including the Snapchat style short video update called 'Status'. The report also suggests that WhatsApp will notify user's contacts whenever they change their phone number or update their profile. Now there are reports that WhatsApp will roll out an update that will remove the feature that allows users to stay clear of contacts they want to avoid. Facebook and WhatsApp are yet to confirm the roll out of this update but few reports claim that it could be included as a new option in the security setting.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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