As it stated in (Reuters)Following disappointments among users over the recently introduced changes in WhatsApp, the messaging app will be bringing back its old status feature which allows users to set up text messages as their profile status. WhatsApp has renamed the feature as 'Tagline'. However, WhatsApp has renamed the feature as 'Tagline'. We build every WhatsApp feature to be simple, reliable, and secure, and this vision is in line with what Digital India promises to achieve," he added. Highlighting the country's importance, Acton said WhatsApp hopes to contribute more to "India's vision for digital commerce in future".
according to
Many meanwhile liked the feature but were missing the the old status feature and removal of old contacts tab in the bar. WhatsApp beta for Windows Phone 2.17.82: Tagline (old status) in Contact info section. WhatsApp is reportedly bringing back the old Status feature which allowed users to set up a text message as their status in user profiles. Facing backlash and user anger, WhatsApp came back to this Tagline feature after the 'Snapchat-like' status feature, which was recently issued in the application. — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) February 24, 2017The new status work very differently as compared to the old one.
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collected by :Andro Alex
according to
Many meanwhile liked the feature but were missing the the old status feature and removal of old contacts tab in the bar. WhatsApp beta for Windows Phone 2.17.82: Tagline (old status) in Contact info section. WhatsApp is reportedly bringing back the old Status feature which allowed users to set up a text message as their status in user profiles. Facing backlash and user anger, WhatsApp came back to this Tagline feature after the 'Snapchat-like' status feature, which was recently issued in the application. — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) February 24, 2017The new status work very differently as compared to the old one.
to read more visit us whats app br/>
collected by :Andro Alex
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