But here's a thing, the rumoured feature that has raised concerns among the WhatsApp users and send social media into a frenzy is a hoax! This not only includes updating the existing features but also introducing features that will keep the users engaged. The word that is doing rounds on the social media is that popular social messaging app WhatsApp is introducing a feature that would send a notification to the users if you take a snapshot of your chat. And when you are as popular as WhatsApp is, introducing updations and new features to your platform is a high priority thing. Apparently, a humour website 8shit on January 23, announced that WhatsApp would inform the other user if you take a snapshot of the conversation from February 5.
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WhatsApp developers may be working on a new feature for the social messaging service where users will be able to recall and edit messages they have sent. Anyone on the android/" target="_blank">Android Beta version 2.17.26 can see the 'Edit' option for a selected option using the three dot menu towards the upper right corner. Also, WhatsApp will let the users delete a status from the status tab through a trash icon in the action bar. This function was discovered by known WhatsApp leak specialist WABetainfo where it was stated that WhatsApp has added the revoke function and a new update to status UI for WhatsApp. Discovered in WhatsApp's public beta, being able to recall and edit messages are not features that can be turned on — they are disabled by default, so they might not be ready to be released.
referring to The latest WhatsApp version 2.17.1 is now available for download to all iPhone users (running iOS 7 or higher). WhatsApp has finally rolled out an update that brings iPhone users on par with android/" target="_blank">Android users as you can finally queue up messages when your phone is offline for them to be automatically sent once you receive reception. Now, after a long hiatus, there's some development made in this regard as iPhone users will now be able to send up to 30 images in one go. WhatsApp has recently rolled out a new update for iOS that makes a host of new changes on how the app functions. Previously, any messages or images sent offline on iOS devices would fail and had to be manually sent again when the phone connects.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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Is WhatsApp notifying users when you take a snapshot of your chat?
WhatsApp developers may be working on a new feature for the social messaging service where users will be able to recall and edit messages they have sent. Anyone on the android/" target="_blank">Android Beta version 2.17.26 can see the 'Edit' option for a selected option using the three dot menu towards the upper right corner. Also, WhatsApp will let the users delete a status from the status tab through a trash icon in the action bar. This function was discovered by known WhatsApp leak specialist WABetainfo where it was stated that WhatsApp has added the revoke function and a new update to status UI for WhatsApp. Discovered in WhatsApp's public beta, being able to recall and edit messages are not features that can be turned on — they are disabled by default, so they might not be ready to be released.
referring to The latest WhatsApp version 2.17.1 is now available for download to all iPhone users (running iOS 7 or higher). WhatsApp has finally rolled out an update that brings iPhone users on par with android/" target="_blank">Android users as you can finally queue up messages when your phone is offline for them to be automatically sent once you receive reception. Now, after a long hiatus, there's some development made in this regard as iPhone users will now be able to send up to 30 images in one go. WhatsApp has recently rolled out a new update for iOS that makes a host of new changes on how the app functions. Previously, any messages or images sent offline on iOS devices would fail and had to be manually sent again when the phone connects.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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