WhatsApp would fight any government request to create a backdoor. Since April 2016, WhatsApp messages and calls are endto-end encrypted by default. Some security experts advice switching to open source apps such as Signal. Marlinspike further said "under no circumstances is it reasonable to call this a 'backdoor', as key changes are immediately detected by the sender and can be verified".One solution is going to WhatsApp Settings->Account->Security and turning the "show security notifications" on. NEW DELHI: WhatsApp has vehemently denied having a backdoor for governments in its encryption system, putting to rest questions raised by a recent report that claimed the messaging platform had a vulnerability that could be exploited by governments to gain access to user conversations."WhatsApp does not give governments a "backdoor" into its systems.

A security issue has been flagged in the hugely popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp that could allow for messages sent via the encrypted platform to be intercepted and read.The Guardian report, which describes the vulnerability as a "backdoor", notes that independent security researcher Tobias Boelter identified the issue in April 2016, when he says he reported it to Facebook, only to be told it was "expected behavior", and that the company was not actively working on fixing it.The newspaper says it has verified the vulnerability still exists.
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collected by :Andro Alex
WhatsApp denies existence of 'backdoor' for government snooping
NEW DELHI: WhatsApp has vehemently denied having a backdoor for governments in its encryption system, putting to rest questions raised by a recent report that claimed the messaging platform had a vulnerability that could be exploited by governments to gain access to user conversations."WhatsApp does not give governments a "backdoor" into its systems.WhatsApp would fight any government request to create a backdoor.Since April 2016, WhatsApp messages and calls are endto-end encrypted by default.A security issue has been flagged in the hugely popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp that could allow for messages sent via the encrypted platform to be intercepted and read.The Guardian report, which describes the vulnerability as a "backdoor", notes that independent security researcher Tobias Boelter identified the issue in April 2016, when he says he reported it to Facebook, only to be told it was "expected behavior", and that the company was not actively working on fixing it.The newspaper says it has verified the vulnerability still exists.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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