On January 23 an online report claimed that WhatsApp will notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their chat. According to a humour based website, 8shit, WhatsApp announced the roll out of the new feature. If it's checked, you'll be notified if someone screenshots your conversation, and others will be notified if you screenshot theirs. The news has gone viral since then on social media and left people puzzled as many people take snapshots of the chat and share with others. The disclaimer on 8shit reads "8Shit is a satire news and humor website.
A post has been doing rounds claiming WhatsApp will start notifying people when someone takes a screenshotWhatsapp users can now breathe a sigh of relief as a rumour regarding the messaging app's new feature has found to be false.iPhone users can now use WhatsApp 'without Internet'A post was doing rounds on social media claiming WhatsApp will start notifying people when someone takes a screenshot of their conversation.The post further said the feature will come into effect from February 5.
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WhatsApp won't notify you when someone takes a snapshot of your chat
The news has gone viral since then on social media and left people puzzled as many people take snapshots of the chat and share with others.On January 23 an online report claimed that WhatsApp will notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their chat.According to a humour based website, 8shit, WhatsApp announced the roll out of the new feature.A post has been doing rounds claiming WhatsApp will start notifying people when someone takes a screenshotWhatsapp users can now breathe a sigh of relief as a rumour regarding the messaging app's new feature has found to be false.iPhone users can now use WhatsApp 'without Internet'A post was doing rounds on social media claiming WhatsApp will start notifying people when someone takes a screenshot of their conversation.The post further said the feature will come into effect from February 5.
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