The latest scam asks WhatsApp users to forward a message to 13 friends or five separate groups on WhatsApp to get access to free internet for the app. WhatsApp users have been targeted by another scamWhatsApp users need to be on the lookout for a new scam. By asking users to share the message to unlock free internet data, scammers can ensure the trick keeps spreading. The site detects your language settings from the browser on your device, translating the message, which asks users pass along the invitation to more people. The message contains a link, which takes users to a website that mimics the official WhatsApp domain.
By: Vivek KaulCable TV came to India in late 1991 and early 1992.Before that large parts of the country could view only one television channel and that was the government-owned Doordarshan.Doordarshan continued to remain a force to reckon with as long as it had monopoly on news broadcasting.
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collected by :Andro Alex
WhatsApp FREE Internet SCAM - This new offer has a TERRIBLE catch
WhatsApp users have been targeted by another scamWhatsApp users need to be on the lookout for a new scam.Hours after chat app users started to receive messages about a £250 gift card for Sainsbury's, another possible scam has reared its head.The latest scam asks WhatsApp users to forward a message to 13 friends or five separate groups on WhatsApp to get access to free internet for the app.By: Vivek KaulCable TV came to India in late 1991 and early 1992.Before that large parts of the country could view only one television channel and that was the government-owned Doordarshan.Doordarshan continued to remain a force to reckon with as long as it had monopoly on news broadcasting.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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