mexicostar : Malicious forces attack ignorant WhatsApp users who are eager to avail video calling feature

Malicious forces attack ignorant WhatsApp users who are eager to avail video calling feature

Malicious forces attack ignorant WhatsApp users who are eager to avail video calling feature
Malicious forces attack ignorant WhatsApp users who are eager to avail video calling featureMexico Star Monday 21st November, 2016• WhatsApp rolled out its video-calling feature of Android, iOS and Windows users this week• The option can be added by simply updating the app from the respective app stores• Users have been receiving fake invitations to activate the video calling featureCALIFORNIA, U.S. - WhatsApp's recently released video calling invite has run into troubled waters as eager users are being lured into a scam that leads anyone who clicks on it - to a malicious website, that steals personal and call data.WhatsApp rolled out its video-calling feature for Android, iOS and Windows users and the feature can be availed by users by merely downloading the update from the respective app stores.However, a malicious message has been doing the rounds in WhatsApp's Asian markets that invites users to click on a link to download the video-calling option.

Don't touch that WhatsApp link! Scam video calling invite doing the rounds

Don't touch that WhatsApp link! Scam video calling invite doing the rounds
Not everyone has access to WhatsApp video calling yet since it's a phased release which will eventually be available to all Android, iOS and Windows Phone users.Naturally, those who still haven't got it are anxious to try out the feature.Some folks have been taking advantage of this and circulating a malicious link pretending to be an invite to the update.

Ministry of Information Technology issues advisory for WhatsApp video calling scam

Ministry of Information Technology issues advisory for WhatsApp video calling scam
In light of ongoing scam concerning the new video calling feature in WhatsApp, Ministry of Information Technology has issued a Web Advisory to warn users against following the spam links.WhatsApp released video calling feature for all users a few days ago.Although the feature is supposedly available for all users, it is taking some time to be available for all geographic locations and users with different devices.
